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"Real" Late Victorian Steampunk Fashions for Women

The Met, 1897-99 (via) - an excellent start to a fabulous Steampunk ensemble.  My favorites are the original gowns that unknowingly have that Steampunk flavor.
I haven't been working on my wedding gown.  I'm quite terrible and maybe lazy, but I just haven't felt like it.  All I've been focused on lately is shoes, shoes, shoes (it's a good thing, though, being my employment!)

This weekend is the 3rd Annual Steampunk Ball in Virginia City, Nevada, an event our little costume club started three years ago, and has since grown into a big crazy thing.  I'm very excited! So I'd like to share some "original" Steampunk fashions - that is, extant ensembles that didn't know they were Steampunk over 100 years ago when they were first created.  These make excellent Steampunk gowns - just glue some gears on it, right?

LACMA, 1898, bicycling outfit - yes, please, and all that Russian braid!
The Met, 1896, another cycling outfit
1890, red linen suit - via
The Met, 1893-98, gym suit - someday I will make this, I swear.  The pom poms on the sash alone are simply splendid!
The Met, tintyp, dated 1870
Whitaker Auctions, 1885, side saddle riding habit. YES YES YES
Antique-Dress.com - a gorgeous directoire revival piece
Minnesota Historical Society, beaded gray wedding gown with a decidedly Morticia twist.
The Met, 1891
The Met, 1899 - that's my jaw on the floor...WOW
Remember, of course, these are all original garments. O course, I am wearing nothing like them tomorrow, but perhaps for next year? :-)
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