I've been seriously spazzy with completing costumes this year, so despite this "simple" 1912 frock stressing me the heck out, and not being completely in love with it, I *did* finish it and I *did* wear it today, for the Great Basin Costume Society's 2nd Annual "Titanic Tea."
Please forgive my rumples - I took these photos at the end of the day, after sitting and nibbling entirely too many cucumber sandwiches.
The dress is made from blue and white striped cotton, with white muslin accents. The pattern is an amalgamation of a Simplicity blouse and my additions and alterations. All along I had trouble, in places you'd think I'd have some knowledge by now - the way the skirt hangs, the way the collar lay on the shoulders (or not), the length of the waist. It was a humbling project, where I thought it would be simple. Here are my previous posts on this dress: part 1 and part 2.
I wore the dress over the incredibly awesome 1912 corset made by The Laced Angel. My shoes are "Astoria" Edwardian shoes. My hat was crafted from a $6 braided paper sun hat from Ross, with decorations compiled from the stash. I based it on a number of images of hats from the period, though in the end I feel it comes off more late teens/'20s than 1912.
Despite the trouble, I'm always happy to finish and wear something, even if it gave me fits throughout its construction. It was overall comfortable, and I didn't feel awkward, so I'll count it as a win. :-)
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