My latest eBay acquisition thrills me to no end. Thanks to Lauren M. of Wearing History, who sent me the link to these - a box of eight "Lynn Wood" French heels from the 1920s (possibly earlier), in white, brown, and black.
Yummy! These heels are hand-carved wood, covered in leather, with leather tips, and just the most lovely balance and curves. There was a bit of a battle for these, but I knew when I saw them that they *needed* to go into the American Duchess collection for the sake of future historical shoes.
The creation of French heels seems to be a lost art (as well as a lost interest). Despite being the most popular heel shape for several hundred years, you won't find a properly balanced French heel on modern shoes these days (unless, of course, they're from American Duchess!). Read more about the Death of the French Heel here.
Meanwhile, one of these eight little babies is going to travel off to faraway lands to be reproduced for enticing new flavors of 18th century, Victorian, Edwardian, and 1920s footwear. :-)
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