I'm back to square one with what to wear to Maggie's wedding in October. (Nevermind my own wedding, I've got that one figured out, haha) My ORANGE! sari dress just...no, so now I'm bimbling around back where I'm more comfortable - the 1790s.
Is it totally wrong to wear a dark color to a Regency wedding? I'm too old for typical Regency white (not my style anyway), and have been partial to black, olive green, purple, and chocolate brown lately. Silk velvet has my attention, too...
Bah, I can't even sew right now! (buried sewing machine, new sewing room in utter chaos, flying monkeys stole my scissors...) .... but here's some inspo...
chemise a plis (chemise with pleats) - November 1792 Journal des Luxus und der Moden |
Mme Jean-François Heurtier, née Marie-Victoire Jobbé, vers 1790 |
Dress, Britain, 1795-1800. National Museums of Scotland. |
Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey by Thomas Beach (auctioned by Sotheby's) |
Vigee-Lebrun self-portrait |
Jean-Baptiste Jacques Augustin 1792 |
Antoine Vestier, Portrait of Mademoiselle Rouillé, three-quarter-length, at the pianoforte |
1794 James Earl (American artist, 1761-1796) Mrs. John Rogers (Elizabeth Rodman) |
Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun. Marie-Louise of Bourbon-Sicily. 1790. |
Undated (but probably 1792) by Ann Frankland Lewis |
I happily already have a pattern for a
chemise style 1790s gown, something I fiddled with last Fall, with a mockup made out of the-worst-poly-taffeta-ever. I've been meaning to make it up for real-real in something lovely...perhaps this shall be it!
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