Just a simple outfit post today which was unfortunately shot in my room with awful lighting. The british weather has yet again been disappointing this weekend with spots of rain and strong winds (wow I sound like a weather blog now), so I was unable to shoot outside. Anyway, this is a comfy everyday outfit I love to wear for lounging around and simple outings. I've had both the top and trousers for years and wont get rid of them because in my eyes they are classics and can be worn whenever and wherever. They're really versatile! Of course I've jazzed it up about with silver jewellery today to go with the studs on the shoes, and this is also a perfect outfit to go with my favourite jacket! I hope you enjoy!
Nautical Top: H&MChain ID Necklace: EBAY (I will be doing a giveaway involving a gold one of these very soon so stay tuned!)Trousers: H! by Henry Holland DEBENHAMSStudded Shoes: OFFICE Vapor Jacket: UNIF @ NASTYGAL.COMID Bracelet: H&MRings: PRIMARK, ROMWE, H&MSilver Cuff: EBAY
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