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Ode To Life

As we gently leave summer behind, many thoughts linger in my mind.  New beginnings, new places, new happenings, new everything... While fall approaches with new beginnings, summer leaves its bitter sweet touch on us. Summer is the sweet and short season, that most people long for all year long.  

Think about all the sweet, fun, happy moments you have had during any period of your life, but especially in the summer. Summer always makes those moments a tad more emotional and beautiful in my opinion. But hey, everybody has their own favorite time of year. :)

The second day of September is going by, and I'm fully absorbed in many many thoughts.  The weather is nice, a tad cooler then it has been for the past few weeks, making everything more bearable and lively. With the high humidity rates, it does make a difference :) I raise my head and look out the window thinking what to do different this fall. I want this fall to be more meaningful, living life with all it offers. 

Hold onto your loved ones, as you might only have them in your life and noting else. After all, people matter, love matters.  Nothing else matters as much as they do... 

Always keep your hopes and expectations high, but low enough not to be letdown or to be heart-broken. Try to reach out to your inner peaceful soul by trying to eliminate anxiety, stress and meaningless hassles that life sometimes confronts us with. Believe me, finding your inner peace is the best thing you can do to your own being. 

Never underestimate the power of sun, and a new day. A new day; a new beginning, a new chance, a new hope. Always look ahead with hope and happiness. As it will eventually lead you through the right way. 

I'll be going on a small trip next month to Prague, Vienna and Budapest to explore inspirations and beauties to nourish my soul and thoughts.  

I'll be sharing my thoughts and observations afterwards.  

In the meantime I'll be off to Baku, Azerbaijan in a couple of weeks for a business trip, but that won't prevent me looking for some inspiration.  

As we speak of new beginnings and inspirations, I have some ideas for my blog that I can't quite put into words yet. That's because I still haven't quite figured out the whole thing :) You've got to understand me; it's not easy to be working in a multinational corporation full-time and going to the gym 4 times a week and trying to cook meals and spend time with family, along with having leisure and fun time to your self! Whoa! Sounds quite hectic to me. Don't know about you guys. 

source: pinterest

I'll soon be back with fashion posts. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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