Irina Lakicevic
Olga Stepanenko
Isla Lynch
Emma Lee
Victoria Serkrier
Nicole Warne
Grace Mahary
Leila Yavari
Dana Avidan-Cohn
Justin O'Shea and Veronika Heilbrunner
Sandra Hagelstam
Ink Limpchart
The last 2 images here perfectly sum up London Fashion Week. After the amazing summer we had, had it was truly miserable weather for Fashion Week. It is amazing there are any images at all.
For me it ended up being the biggest challenge of my career. I was working flat out with a chest cold, my camera was acting up and on the final day I woke early to the dreaded black screen on my computer. Thank goodness I was in London when all this was happening as I had my wonderful husband here to help and support me through it all. You see every cloud has a silver lining.
This is just a small selection of the images I shot for Vogue. To see more you can pop over and have a look at the rest with this
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