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Weddingote: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Something...

The whole thing, with the skirt not yet trimmed up.  Plus dog.
I've been in a terrible sewing slump lately, but managed to get a bit done on the wedding gown, now due to be complete in about 1 month.  Others keep freaking out on my behalf when I tell them I'm just bimbling along on it, but I keep telling myself, "hey, I sew stuff like this in short periods of time all year long!" and then I don't feel rushed.

The finished back - the CB pieces don't have lining yet
At present, the skirt is on, the bodice is stitched.  I need to trim up the skirt - I cut each panel square at the bottom, thinking I'll round it off, but I realize that probably wasn't the best way to do it.  I had no extra fabric to spare, though, so I think it had to happen this way.  I'm sure it will work out fine (isn't that what I always say?)

Need to fix this gapping and add boning on the edges
I have some gaposis at the front.  I *hate* edge-to-edge closure, but I wanted to be true to the original gown. It's just a matter of moving hooks and eyes, everyone's favorite task.

The side back seams did not match up with the inverted box pleats, but both sides match, and are cleanly assembled, so I'm happy.  There will be a button at the junction here, besides.
I'm on to the sleeves next, and some interior gut-work.  My dear mother has embroidered the buttons, and we're getting together next week to put them over the molds.  There are twelve buttons total, embroidered with silver flowers and a pearl in the center of each one.

Because Chris and I already live together, this is how I am "hiding" my dress, until the big day.
Stay tuned!
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