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Dawood Lawn
New Designs
Shalwar Kameez
Winter Collections
Dawood Winter Collection 2013-14 | Dawood Khaddar Collection 2013-14 | Dawood Collection 2013
Dawood Winter Collection 2013-14 | Dawood Khaddar Collection 2013-14 | Dawood Collection 2013
Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013
This is latest Dawood Khaddar Collection 2013. Dawood has launched this latest khaddar collection for coming winter season of 2013. The collection consists of new designs of embellished on Khaddar fabric. This time Dawood Collection are designed latest Khaddar collection in Rajhistani way and has printed shirts (Kameez) in Rajhistani embroidery style. Let's see Dawood Winter Collection 2013-14 in