Simple Abaya Collection 2014-2015
This is superb collection of Arabic Abaya we have brought for our valued visitors. After lots of requests our respected team member has dig out this fantastic collection of the most ethnic outerwear of Islamic civilization. Abaya has been used in all Muslim countries in the world and it has been identifying as a symbol of modesty. With the advent of new technologies in textile and new ways of weaving hundred types of fabrics have been made and wave of fashion has modified the style as well. This collection consists of simple, colorful and fancy Abaya’s which can be used for multipurpose. In Pakistan girls have started wearing Abaya dresses as a mandatory therefore we have brought this ethnic dress for you even in a new style.
Simple Texture Abaya Designs
Casual Abaya
Colorful Abaya
Simple Abaya with Red Lace / Border
Abaya Designs 2014-2015
Fancy Abaya
Casual and Simple Abaya
Best Arabian / Arabic Abaya
Casual Irani Abaya Design
Upcoming Trend of Abaya
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