Hello all!! So, so, so sorry for neglecting my blog, hence you guys for over a month such a long time. It's just that my life has been so fast-moving with all sorts of new things happening. Firstly, I've resigned from my previous company and have started at a multi-national company two weeks ago, which I have been wanting for a while. My trip to beautiful NY and NYC are other sources of excitement and joy. So, combining all these, I just couldn't get my mind together and stop by here and share things with you guys. Hope you can forgive me :) Pleaaaseeee? :)
Herkese merhaba! Çok uzun bir süredir bloğumu ve dolayısıyla sizleri ihmal ettiğim için çok özür dilerim. Fakat son dönemlerde hayatımda o kadar çok yenilik ve heyecan vardı ki bir türlü zihnimi toparlayıp da buraya uğrayıp sizlerle paylaşımda bulunamıyordum. Öncelikle, çalıştığım firmadan sonunda istifa edip çok istediğim bir firmada işe başladım. İki hafta oluyor. Bunun yanı sıra muhteşem güzellikteki NY ve NYC'ye yapmış olduğum gezi apayrı bir heyecan ve sevinç kaynağıydı. E hal böyleyken de affınıza sığınıyorum :) N'olur affedin :)
Me, looking super dead-tired and not so fashionable!
The stalker :)
Me, feeding the chickadees :)
Herkese merhaba! Çok uzun bir süredir bloğumu ve dolayısıyla sizleri ihmal ettiğim için çok özür dilerim. Fakat son dönemlerde hayatımda o kadar çok yenilik ve heyecan vardı ki bir türlü zihnimi toparlayıp da buraya uğrayıp sizlerle paylaşımda bulunamıyordum. Öncelikle, çalıştığım firmadan sonunda istifa edip çok istediğim bir firmada işe başladım. İki hafta oluyor. Bunun yanı sıra muhteşem güzellikteki NY ve NYC'ye yapmış olduğum gezi apayrı bir heyecan ve sevinç kaynağıydı. E hal böyleyken de affınıza sığınıyorum :) N'olur affedin :)
So, I landed to JFK after 11 hours of loooong and tiring flight. I mean, imagine a long flight without sleeping at all because of a crying baby and because of my annoying body clock :) My lovely aunts picked me up at the airport and we I started the day once again. Why am I saying that? Because it was 7.30 am when I got on the plane and it was around noon when I landed to JFK. So, that means at the end of the day in NYC, I haven't sleep that day for about at least 24 hours! Crazy, huh?
Going back to NYC; my aunts and I had a tight schedule for that day so we directly headed to Manhattan, around 5th ave and so on. Walked around like crazy. Did some shopping, had some extremely salty pretzels :) Then went to the Central Park, where I was stalked by a squirrel :) Yes, that little sucker was stalking me, because he didn't like the pretzel I gave him; I guess he was expecting his caviar and champagne like he usually(!) gets. Towards the end of the day I was pretty much dead considering the fact that I hadn't slept for a looong time; we decided to go back to Upstate. I slept in the car through the whole ride up there.
I won't go into many details of my trip but on the fourth day we went to the Niagara Falls at the Canadian side. It was amazing. The weather was gorgeous and everything was just awesome. We took the boat ride with the Maid of the Mist and got soaked-wet :)
Throughout my trip we visited many places in the Upstate NY (these visits are all family related). I had so much fun, had so many memorable moments that I'm now asking for your forgiveness for the time I've been away from my precious little blog, my mind being occupied with these beautiful memories :)
Me, feeding the chickadees :)
Thanks for reading! I will soon be updating this place regularly :) Thanks for your patience! :)
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