I just wanted to share some of my work from my first year of uni as I feel blogging is an important way to get your aesthetic out there. I am currently studying a fashion promotion course in London and throughout the first year we have tried and tested a range of different topics. Obviously the first years of uni aren't overly intense, so I have spent the year specialising in styling and undertaking testing shoots. Without having the power to pull in big labels from PR companies, having to make do with my own wardrobe and friends' clothes to style models and create a successful story has been tough, but I've tried the best I can. Next year I will be pushing the boat out and building a contact base with the industry so I am able to get hold of some amazing pieces to style and shoot with.
This is one of the fashion stories I styled and shot a long with my friend Charlotte. The inspiration came from merging 80's fashion with the idea of kaleidoscopes, optical illusions and symmetry. We aimed the shoot at Fiasco magazine. Enjoy.
Model: Yasmin Knipe
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