Khaadi Winter / Fall Collection-2013
Khaadi’s need no introduction. It is one of the best brands of women dresses in Pakistan. The brand was found in 1998 and it has never stopped the journey of success. Khaadi is one of the modernly designed and equipped fashion studios working for the ethnicity of cultural and contemporary western dress patterns. The brand is not only recognized due to its special and creative designs but the quality of fabric is another important factor of its success.
Khaadi Fall-2013 Dresses
Khaadi Eid Party Wear
Khaadi Rainy Winter Dresses
Khaadi Autumn-13 Dress
Khaadi Embroidered Shirts in Cambric Collection
Khaadi Cambric Long Shirts
Party Wear Khaadi Dresses from Cambric Edition
2013-2014 Collection of Cambric Collection
Latest Eid Collection of Cambric Dresses
Newest Designs of Embroidered Dresses
Khaadi Cambric Winter 2013 Collection of Eid
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